美國 Ournarratives 專訪『追尋光之美』的台灣攝影師 Shirley

2023 美國 Ournarratives 攝影藝術專訪

『Pursues the Beauty of Light 追尋光之美』

台灣攝影師  Shirley Wung 翁富美


Our Narratives is a collection of original artwork, research, and commentary that fully encapsulates and displays each creator′s unique stories and experiences, with the purpose of inspiring as many readers as possible.

Our Narratives 是原創藝術作品、研究和評論的合集,充分概括和展示了每位創作者獨特的故事和經歷,旨在激發盡可能多的讀者。



Shirley Wung, a Taiwanese Photographer Who Pursues the Beauty of Light


Shirley Wung is a renowned Taiwanese photographer who has won several international photography awards over the years. In the last decade, through continuous learning and a focus on self-improvement, she has photographed the beauty of various locations and then turned them into exquisite and eternal paintings.


追尋光之美的台灣攝影師翁富美(Shirley Wung)


翁富美(Shirley Wung)是位榮獲多項國際攝影大獎的台灣攝影師。在過去的十多年中,她不斷地經由學習和自我提升,將許多難得的各地美景收入鏡頭之下,使其變為一幅幅精美永恒的畫作。


“Green Light Forest”, Courtesy: Shirley Wung


She is particularly sensitive to the rhythm of light; whether from sunlight, aurora, biological or artistic design, different spectra of light express different aesthetics. For example, her “Green Light Forest” image, which captures the flickering and jumping fireflies in the forests of Taiwan, is as magical as a fairytale world. This image won her first prize in the “Beauty of Nature” category of the 2021 Siena International Photo Awards.




Lofoten Islands, Norway, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

In addition, she cherishes the changes of the four seasons. In winter, she went to Hokkaido, Japan, just to capture the beautiful scenery of fluttering snowflakes, and she also went to Norway to turn the majesty of true aurora into beautiful artwork through her camera. In spring, she fell in love with the beautiful mountain farmhouses in Taiwan. The curved tea garden driveway and the blooming cherry blossoms are all good choices for her to shoot. Of course, the fiery red Kapok road, voted by CNN as the top ten most beautiful spring blooms in the world, was also her favorite shooting subject.


另外,她對四季的變化,格外地珍愛。冬天,她去日本的北海道,只為捕捉雪花飄飄的美景,也遠去挪威,將大自然極光迷人的舞動魅力變成美麗的作品。春天,她鐘情於台灣美好的山上人家,彎曲的茶園車道,盛開的樱花,均是她取景拍攝的好選擇,當然也包括火红的木棉花道,曾被 CNN票選為全世界十大最美的花道。


Shirakawa-go, Japan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

We are very pleased to be able to interview Shirley Wung. Through the following conversations and images, we can appreciate how she masterfully controls her camera’s perspective and captures the beauty of the world for all to see.


Q: You are such an accomplished photographer, winning many prestigious international landscape/nature awards. First of all, please share with us your training in photography and how did you start on this path?


A: I would be happy to share with you my experiences and training in photography and how I came to pursue this path.

My photography training began more than ten years ago when I first started getting interested in photography. I taught myself photographic techniques by studying photography theory and practical skills through books and online resources. During this process, I actively participated in competitions and exhibitions to continuously explore my own style and skills.

In the early stages of my photography career, I mainly focused on cityscapes and portrait photography. However, over time, I discovered a deeper love for nature and landscape photography. I started traveling and exploring natural landscapes in various countries and regions, capturing mountains and natural scenery. These works have won many international photography awards and widespread attention.

Overall, my journey in photography began with my interest in it, and through continuous learning and practice, I gradually developed my own style and techniques. For me, photography is a way to express myself and explore and discover beauty. I will continue to learn and improve, creating more outstanding photography works.











Fireflies, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: Please share with us the story behind your winning image titled “Green Light Forest” which won 1st place in the “Beauty of Nature” category of the 2021 Siena International Photo Awards.


A: I’m glad to share with you the story of my award-winning piece “Green Light Forest.” I chose fireflies as the subject of my photography because they are unique and fascinating creatures that emit a bright light at night, making us feel like we are in a fairytale. Fireflies also represent the magic and beauty of nature, allowing us to understand and appreciate the power and charm of nature more deeply.

In addition, capturing fireflies is a challenging and technical task that requires precise control of exposure and focus to capture the moment when fireflies flicker. This made me feel very fulfilled and satisfied because the photographic process required constant experimentation and adjustment to achieve the best results. Capturing this piece was not easy, as both lighting and composition required some skill and patience. I spent a long time adjusting the aperture and shutter speed to capture the best effect.

Winning this award is a great honor for me and also affirms my photography skills and creative abilities. I hope that through this work, more people can appreciate and recognize the beauty of nature and feel its charm and power of nature.




答 : 我選擇螢火蟲作為攝影的主題,因為它們是一種獨特而迷人的生物,在夜晚會發出明亮的光芒,讓我們彷彿置身於童話之中。螢火蟲也代表著大自然的神奇與美麗,讓我們更深刻地了解和欣賞大自然的力量與魅力。




Hokkaido, Japan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: What is photography to you? What do you wish to communicate to viewers through your photography?


A: For me, photography is a way of expressing myself and capturing the beauty, uniqueness, and interesting things that I see through the lens of my camera. Photography is also a process of exploration and discovery; I can gain a deeper understanding of the world around me and find inspiration for my creativity.

I hope that my photography can convey messages and emotions to the audience. Sometimes, I aim to showcase beautiful landscapes and natural scenery, allowing people to appreciate and cherish the beauty of nature. Other times, I strive to capture the details and moments of people’s lives, conveying the goodness and warmth of human nature. And at other times, I use photography to convey my ideas and perspectives, hoping to inspire people’s thinking and creativity.

In short, photography is a medium for me. Through this medium, I can convey messages, emotions, and ideas to the audience, providing them with inspiration and feelings.




答 : 我希望我的攝影能夠向觀眾傳達信息和情感。有時,我的目的是展示美麗的風景和自然風光,讓人們欣賞和珍惜大自然的美麗。其他時候,我努力捕捉人們生活的細節和瞬間,傳遞人性的善良和溫暖。而在其他時候,我用攝影來傳達我的想法和觀點,希望能激發人們的思考和創造力。


Farmhouses, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: The cultures and landscapes of Taiwan are what your photography focuses on. Please share with us some of the images and stories behind them.


A: Of course. Taiwan’s culture and scenery have always been the focus of my photography. I believe that Taiwan has a unique culture and beautiful scenery that are worth capturing and presenting. The following is some of my work:

Cherry blooming season
In the mountains of Hsinchu, Taiwan, there is a Z-shaped cherry blossom road, with tea gardens on both sides of the road. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring, it is very beautiful scenery.








Tea Garden, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Sakura galaxy
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring, the Milky Way rises with pink flowers in contrast; a very charming landscape painting.


春天櫻花盛開, 銀河升起粉嫩的花相襯, 是幅非常迷人的風景畫。


Tea Garden, Milky Way, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Lin Chupi Kapok Flower Road
The Lin Chupi Kapok Flower Road is dyed orange and red, with green rice fields and red and green lotus fields on both sides; the vast field style and the blue sky and white clouds reflect each other.



Lin Chupi Kapok Flower Road, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung


Sulfuric fire fishing
Sulfuric fire fishing is an ancient and unique fishing method in Taiwan. In the process of shooting sulfuric fire fishing, I felt the profound charm and mystery of this cultural heritage, and also experienced the joy and sense of accomplishment that photography brings. However, at the same time, I also deeply felt the importance of protecting the natural environment and ecological balance. This fishing method, which is gradually disappearing, can only be performed in specific environments.

Lin Chupi Kapok Flower Road, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung




Fishermen, Taiwan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

These photos reflect my love and appreciation for Taiwan’s culture and scenery. I hope that my photography can showcase Taiwan’s beauty and rich culture to people and allow more people to understand and appreciate Taiwan.




Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: Please share with us some of the challenges you have faced when photographing outdoors.


A: When shooting outdoors, I have encountered many challenges. Here are some of the ones I often face:

Unstable weather: Weather is one of the key factors in outdoor photography. Sometimes the weather can be very unstable, such as extreme weather like storms, rain, or snow. This may affect the shooting plan, leading to delays or cancellations. In addition, strong winds or sandstorms may cause lens blur or dust to adhere to the lens, affecting the shooting effect.

Insufficient or excessive light: Light is one of the key factors in photography, but sometimes insufficient or excessive light can result in abnormal colors or overexposure in photos. Especially when shooting sunrises and sunsets, photographers must capture the best light in a brief period of time, which is a challenge.

Terrain and environment: Different terrain and environments can pose different challenges to photography. For example, shooting in mountainous or wilderness areas requires carrying enough equipment and food (as well as having good physical and adaptive abilities). Shooting in cities requires dealing with crowds and traffic issues, as well as complying with local laws and regulations.

In summary, outdoor photography is full of challenges. Photographers need patience and perseverance, as well as the ability to deal with unexpected situations, in order to succeed in the challenges.










Ashikaga Flower Park, Japan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: Besides Taiwan, what other places interest you and why?


A: Japan: Japan has a rich culture and beautiful scenery, especially traditional architecture, gardens, and landscapes that are very attractive to me. In addition, Japan’s food culture is also very rich, which is also a big attraction for me.

Iceland: Iceland is a place full of mystery and beauty, with unique natural landscapes such as volcanoes, glaciers, and the Northern Lights. I would love to capture stunning natural beauty there through photography.

Overall, I am very interested in the culture and natural landscapes around the world and hope to have the opportunity to travel to more places and capture them through photography.








Shirakawa-go, Japan, Courtesy:

Q: Please share with us the equipment that you use and the learning curve involved in using that equipment.

A: The photography equipment I use includes professional-grade digital SLR cameras, lenses with different focal lengths, tripods, and other necessary accessories. I believe that using good equipment is one of the important factors for successful photography, so I have spent a lot of time and resources researching and choosing the photography equipment that best suits me.

However, having good equipment is only part of successful photography, and using that equipment requires a corresponding learning curve. Especially when using complex lenses, it is necessary to master how to adjust exposure, focus, and other camera settings to achieve the best results. In addition, I also need to learn how to use different software to process and edit my photos to make them look better.

In the learning process, I constantly improve my photography skills and knowledge through reading books, watching tutorials, and taking courses. In addition, I also hone my photography skills through practice and continuous experimentation, thereby improving my photography level. Although this learning curve may be steep, I believe that through continuous effort and practice, I can constantly improve my photography skills and creativity.








Hirosaki Park, Japan, Courtesy: Shirley Wung

Q: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

A: I would like to say to the readers that photography is a very interesting and valuable art form. It can capture beautiful things and experiences through photos, allowing people to feel the beauty of life. Photography is not just about techniques and equipment, but also a way of expression and communication. I hope to convey the beauty and feelings I see through my photography, inspiring the audience’s passion and creativity for life.

In addition, photography is also an art form that requires continuous learning and practice. If you are interested in photography, I suggest that you invest time and effort in learning and practicing, continuously improving your photography skills and creativity. This path may have some challenges and difficulties, but with continuous effort and practice, you will definitely achieve good results and enjoy the fun and sense of accomplishment that photography brings you.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your attention and support, and I hope you enjoy my photography works. If you have any questions or opinions, please feel free to communicate with me at any time. Thank you!


We thank Shirley Wung for sharing her thoughts on photography. Her pursuit of perfection has inspired many people!

Shirley’s Instagram









翁富美的 Instagram





雪莉老師完整介紹 (請按此)

Shirley Wung 雪莉老師 ( 翁富美) 台灣唯一一個因為攝影榮登 Siena 維基百科者,永久收錄在【Siena Wikipedia維基百科】

我來自台灣,我是 Shirley Wung,我是 Siena 錫耶納國際攝影獎 2015 – 2021 七年來第一個登上 Siena Wikipedia 維基百科的台灣人(from Taiwan)。

Siena 維基百科連結 (按這裡) 請用電腦瀏覽 . 若使用手機瀏覽需滑到下面再點開 Annual Ceremonies and Honorees 就可以在2021找到我的名字 Shirley Wung (Taiwan)。

The Beauty of Nature: Shirley Wung (Taiwan)



2023 ~ 2024 年跟著雪莉老師一起日本秘境自駕 (全部行程都有專屬司機)







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